Unravelling complex primary-care programs to maintain independent living in older people
Linda Smit (Lid Lectoraat); Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Jeanet W. Blom; Isabelle N. Fabbricotti; Aaltje P.D. Jansen; Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen; Raymond Koopmans; Willemijn M. Looman; René J.F. Melis; S.F. Metzelthin; Eric P. Moll van Charante; Maaike Muntinga; Franca G.H. Ruikes; Sophie L.W. Spoorenberg; Jacqueline J. Suijker; Klaske Wynia; Jacobijn Gussekloo; Niek J. de Wit; Nienke Bleijenberg (Lector)
Effects of Exergaming in People with Dementia
Joeke van Santen; Rose-Marie Dröes; Marije Holstege (Lector); Olivier Blanson Henkemans; Annelies van Rijn; Ralph de Vries; Annemieke van Straten; Franka Meiland
Evaluation design of Urban Health Centres Europe (UHCE): preventive integrated health and social care for community-dwelling older persons in five European cities
A.J.J. Voorham; R. van Staveren; E. Koppelaar; L.F.J. Martijn; E. Valía-Cotanda; T. Alhambra-Borrás; T. Rentoumis; L. Bilajac; V. Vasiljev Marchesi; T. Rukavina; A. Verma; G. Williams; G. Clough; J. Garcés-Ferrer; F. Mattace Raso; H. Raat; C.B. Franse
Attitudes of older adults in a group-based exercise program toward a blended intervention: a focus-group study
Mehra, Sumit; Dadema, Tessa (Faculteit Gezondheid); Kröse, Ben J A; Visser, Bart (Faculteit Gezondheid); Engelbert, Raoul H H; Van Den Helder, Jantine (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Weijs, Peter J M (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Supporting young adults on the autism spectrum towards independence: Lessons from the Netherlands
G. Speelmans; dr. M. Cardol (Lector); M. Waltz
To Shed Some Light on Empowerment
Fenne Verhoeven (Lid Lectoraat); Jelle van Dijk
Quorum sensing
Erik-Jan Baalen, van (Begeleider); Wouter Lenferink (Student); Teresa Pedro Gomes (Begeleider)
Older people's perspectives regarding the use of sensor monitoring in their home
Pol, Margriet; van Nes, Fenna; van Hartingsveldt, Margo; Buurman, Bianca; de Rooij, Sophia; Kröse, Ben
What it takes to successfully implement technology for aging in place: focus groups with stakeholders
Sebastiaan Theodorus Michaël Peek, BICT, MSc (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline J.M. Wouters, MD, MSc, PhD (Lector); Katrien G. Luijkx, MSc, PhD; Hubertus J.M. Vrijhoef, MSc, PhD
Caught between intending and doing
Anne Goossensen; Els van Wijngaarden; Carlo Leget