De behoefte aan activerende interventies van mensen met dementie en hun mantelzorgers: samenvatting proefschrift Netta van ‘t Leven
M.A. van 't Leven
Process Evaluation of the FindMyApps Program Trial
Beentjes, K.M. (Kim); Kerkhof, Y.J.F. (Yvonne) (Lectoratemember); Neal, D.P. (David); Ettema, T.P. (Teake); Koppelle, M.A. (Mylène); Meiland, F. (Franka); Graff, M. (Maud); Dröes, R. (Rose-Marie)
Elder Abuse Assessment Tools and Interventions for use in the Home Environment
Kathleen van Royen; Paul van Royen; Liesbeth de Donder; R.J.J. Gobbens (Lector)
The paradoxes of communication and collaboration in maternity care
Irene Korstjens (Lid Lectoraat); Jessica Mesman; Isabel van Helmond; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
The influence of privacy on the acceptance of technologies for assisted living
Jaschinski, Christina; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); Peters, Oscar; van Dijk, Jan; Gao, Qin; Zhou, Jia
Minimum data set prototype Urban Vitality
van Ulzen, Niek; de Jong, Anne
Informal caregivers’ judgements on sharing care with home care professionals from an intersectional perspective: the influence of personal and situational characteristics
Wittenberg, Yvette (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning); de Boer, Alice; Plaisier, Inger; Verhoeff, Arnoud; Kwekkeboom, Rick (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning)
Measuring triadic decision making in older patients with multiple chronic conditions
Pel-Littel, Ruth E; Buurman, Bianca M; van de Pol, Marjolein H; Yilmaz, Nida G; Tulner, Linda R; Minkman, Mirella M; Scholte Op Reimer, Wilma J M; Elwyn, Glyn; van Weert, Julia C M
Extramural healthcare for patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome
van den Hooff, Susanne
A typology of online care platforms for community-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands
Sarah Willard (Lid Lectoraat); Erik van Rossum (Lector); Marieke Spreeuwenberg (Lid Lectoraat); Luc de Witte (Lector)