Fostering oral interaction in the EFL classroom
van Batenburg, E.S.L. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Oostdam, Ron; Fukkink, Ruben; Fukkink, Ruben; Gelderen, Amos van; De Jong, Nivja
Ask, don't tell
van Vondel, Sabine; Steenbeek, Henderien (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving); van Dijk, Marijn; van Geert, Paul
It's not rocket science
Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society); van Geert, Paul L.C.; Steenbeek, Henderien
Students’ meaning-making and sense-making of vocational knowledge in Dutch senior secondary vocational education
Nienke Bijlsma; Harmen Schaap; Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Predictors of study success from a teacher’s perspective of the quality of the built environment
Kok, Herman; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Omta, Onno
The Applicability of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences as an Effective Tool for the teaching of English Grammar
Mandy Jackson (Begeleider); Zuzana Filipova (Student)
Teacher Feedback during Active Learning
Linda van den Bergh (Docent)
Analysing teacher knowledge for technology education in primary schools
Ellen J. Rohaan (Onderzoeker); Ruurd Taconis; Wim M.G. Jochems
Researching Classroom Interaction in the light of social justice.
Nicolien Montesano Montessori; Prof.Dr. Petra Ponte (Lector)
Ontwerprichtlijnen voor de professionele ontwikkeling van leraren met behulp van videofeedback en wederzijdse peer coaching
R. Schildwacht (Docent); J. van den Akker; S. Bolhuis (Lector)