Where to go and how to get there
Christa Krijgsman; Tim Mainhard; Jan van Tartwijk; Lars Borghouts; Maarten Vansteenkiste; Nathalie Aelterman; Leen Haerens
Deelname van docenten aan de professionaliseringsmethodiek Lesson Study
Mannens, S. (Student); Beek, J. van
Professional growth in research supervisors’ pedagogical content knowledge as result of lesson study
Agricola, Bas; Van der Schaaf, Marieke; Prins, Frans; van Tartwijk, Jan
Lesson study
Lars Borghouts; Menno Slingerland; Bregje van Dijk-van Eijck
Going English
Lisa Rose Degens (Student); Lonneke Notermans (Begeleider)
European enlargement in post-conflict areas: a comparative case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
Ai-Sian de Graaff (Student); Enitsa M. Gabrovska
Reliability and concurrent validity of a motor skill competence test among 4- to 12-year old children
Hoeboer, Joris; Krijger-Hombergen, Michiel; Savelsbergh, Geert; De Vries, Sanne
Measuring students’ appraisals of the relevance of history
Van Straaten, Dick (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Wilschut, Arie; Oostdam, Ron (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Professional growth in adaptive teaching competence as a result of lesson study
Tijmen Schipper (Lid Lectoraat); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Klaas Veen; Siebrich Vries
Teaching computational thinking to 8-year-olds through ScratchJr
Faber, Hylke (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Wierdsma, Menno