Goed op weg met Groningse bushaltes
Ruchama, Joël
Feasibility study: Flying Carpet
Appel, Hans; Bruinsma, Jarick; van Steenis, Niels; ten Have, Rutger; Wilkens, Jarno
North Sea Region Joint Annual Conference 2013
Manickam, Anu; van Berkel, Karel
Slim in het verkeer met open data
Boelens, Danny; Plasmeyer, Luuk; van Heesewijk, Nick; Smeenge, Tetiana; Hoekzema, Niek; McCreesh, Séamus
Master class on adaptive strategy for changing economic and social landscapes
Manickam, Anu (International Business); van Berkel, Karel
Composition and characteristics of plastic in the stomachs of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis)
Kühn, S. (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Hofman, P.A.G.
Socio-economic valuation of European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta trutta) in four pilot areas around the North Sea Region
Marchal, J. (Student); Bottema, S.R.; Goldsborough, D.G.
Open your city
Bos, Daniël; Ruchama, Joël; Klaassen, Daniël; Peereboom, Sybren; Blak Petersen, Lene
Conflicts of the South Caucasus
Aranya E. Naerebout (Student); Antje Grebner (Begeleider)
Nominatie H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2013