Late dropout from nursing education: an interview study of nursing students’ experiences and reasons
E.J.M. Bakker; K.J. Verhaegh; J.H.A.M. Kox; A.J. van der Beek; C.R.L. Boot; P.D.D.M. Roelofs; A.L. Francke
Een multidisciplinaire beschouwing over logopedische zorg bij patiënten met cognitieve communicatiestoornissen
Anne-Marij van Woudenbergh (Student); Renske de Vries (Begeleider); Katrien Colman (Begeleider)
Self-management challenges and support needs among kidney transplantation recipients: a qualitative study
J.M.J. Been-Dahmen (Docent); J.W. Grijpma; J. Dwarswaard; L. Maasdam; W. Weimar; A.L. van Staa (Lector); E.K. Massey
Self‐management challenges and support needs among kidney transplant recipients
J.M.J. Been-Dahmen (Onderzoeker); J.W. Grijpma (Onderzoeker); E. Ista (Onderzoeker); J. Dwarswaard (Onderzoeker); L. Maasdam (Onderzoeker); W. Weimar (Onderzoeker); A.L. van Staa (Lector); E.K. Massey (Onderzoeker)
Factors underlying perceptions of community care and other healthcare areas in first-year baccalaureate nursing students
van Iersel, Margriet; Latour, Corine H.M.; van Rijn, Marjon; de Vos, Rien; Kirschner, Paul A.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.
Leadership in blended care
Pieterbas Lalleman
Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
R. Backhaus; E. Capezuti; H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers; F.E. Tan; E. van Rossum (Lector); R.J. Halfens
Do nursing staff encourage functional activity among nursing home residents?
Nienke O. Kuk; Mirre den Ouden; G. A. Rixt Zijlstra; Jan P.H. Hamers; Gertrudis L.J.M. Kempen; Gerrie J.J.W. Bours (Lid Lectoraat)
Collaboration in teams with nurse practitioners and general practitioners during out-of-hours and implications for patient care; a qualitative study
M. van der Biezen; M. Wensing; L Poghosyan; R. van der Burgt; Miranda Laurant
Rhetoric or reality? What nurse practitioners do to provide self-management support in outpatient clinics
A.J. ter Maten - Speksnijder; J. Dwarswaard; P.L. Meurs; A.L. van Staa