Zocht je misschien: psychiatrie?
Clinical judgement versus selfrating of demoralization inoutpatients with a substanceuse disorder
Marjolein van Tongeren (Lid Lectoraat); Wiebren Markus (Lid Lectoraat); Barbara Stringer; Janneke M. Man-van Ginkel, de; Cornelis A.J. de Jong; B.K.G. (Berno) van Meijel (Lector)
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners in the Role of Coordinating Practitioners
Enzio R.K. Boeijen (Onderzoeker); Miranda G.H. Laurant (Onderzoeker); Jan E. Sitvast (Onderzoeker); B.K.G. (Berno) van Meijel (Lector); Anneke J.A.H. van Vught (Onderzoeker)
Self-injurious behaviour in forensic mental health care
Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Nienke Verstegen
Comorbidity rates of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in dementia: a systematic literature review
S. Sobczak; M. Olff; B. Rutten; F. Verhey; K. Deckers
Lack of consensus across clinical guidelines regarding the role of psychosocial factors within low back pain care: a systematic review.
J. Knoop; G. Rutten; C. Lever; J. Leemeijer; L.J. de Jong; A.P. Verhagen; Wim van Lankveld; Bart Staal
Customised care
van Tol, Benno; Detting, Daniëla; Kruizenga, Hinke; Pellegrom, Sanne; Major-Helsloot, Mel; Siebel, Marjolein; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Agreement between patients and mental healthcare providers on unmet care needs in child and adolescent psychiatry
Richard Vijverberg (Lid Lectoraat); Robert Ferdinand; Aartjan Beekman; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Influence of nursing staff attitudes and characteristics on the use of coercive measures in acute mental health services-A systematic review
Doedens, Paul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Vermeulen, Jentien; Boyette, Lindy-Lou; Latour, Corine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); de Haan, Lieuwe
Improving the participation of adults with visual and severe or profound intellectual disabilities: a process evaluation of a new intervention
Hanzen, Gineke; van Nispen, Ruth M A; Vlaskamp, Carla; Korevaar, E.L.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); van der Putten, Annette A J
Recidivism and predictors of recidivism among female high level persistent offenders after a special court order for persistent offenders in the Netherlands
Blaauw, Eric; Doddema, Bertine; de Vogel, Vivienne; Bogaerts, Stefan