Facebook usage by local restaurants: A large scale survey
Erik Hekman (Lid Lectoraat); Marieke Welledonker-Kuijer (Lid Lectoraat)
The Netherlands: bits of accountability in a sea of freedom
Huub Evers (Lector); Harmen Groenhart (Lid Lectoraat)
Ryanair, flying high with low prices
Cindy J. Vrolijk (Student); Z. Kahar (Begeleider)
Co-Design in a Pressure Cooker
Mechteld Bakkeren; Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Christine De Lille (Lid Lectoraat)
From tagging to storytelling: enriching museum collections.
Dr. Harry van Vliet (Lector); Erik Hekman (Lid Lectoraat)
Upcoming e-books and traditional books : what are the challenges, threats and effects on the Dutch market?
Iris Platje (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Integratie van Distributed Directory Service in een betrouwbare IPv6 netwerkomgeving
F. Sikkema, de (Begeleider); J.P.M Vreught, de (Begeleider); R.D. Reems, van (Student)
IBM : Madrid International Services Centre vs. Brand identity
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Maaike M.W.J. van Esch (Student)
How social software challenges teaching and learning
Guus Wijngaards (Lector)
The Social Web and Learning
Guus Wijngaards (Lector)