Women admitted to forensic psychiatry in Flanders (Belgium): Who are they?
Jan De Varé; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); An de Decker; Sabine Tremmery; Kasia Uzieblo; Leen Cappon
Six-month outcomes in COVID-19 icu patients and their family members
van Veenendaal, Nadine; van der Meulen, Ingeborg C; Onrust, Marisa; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Dieperink, Willem; van der Voort, Peter H J
The Impact of the Hospital Environment
Zijlstra, Emma (Facility Management); van der Schans, Cees; Hagedoorn, Mariët; Mobach, Mark P.
Risk in relatives, heritability, SNP-based heritability, and genetic correlations in psychiatric disorders: a review
Baselmans, B.M.L. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Yengo, Loïc; van Rheenen, Wouter; Wray, Naomi
The experience of non-conveyance following emergency medical service triage from the perspective of patients and their relatives: A qualitative study
S.C.M. van Doorn; R.C. Verhalle; Remco Ebben; D.M. Frost; Lilian Vloet; C.P.M. de Brouwer
Multifaceted interventions are required to improve physical activity behaviour in hospital care: a meta-ethnographic synthesis of qualitative research
N. Koenders; L Marcellis; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Ton Satink; Th. Hoogeboom
Deaf landscape
Andrej Badin (Student)
Family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks of critically ill patients: A mixed methods systematic review
Lotte van Delft; Karin Valkenet (Lid Lectoraat); Arjen Slooter; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Perceptions and ideas of critically ill patients, their family and staff members regarding family participation in the physiotherapy-related care of critically ill patients
Lotte van Delft (Onderzoeker); Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker); Arjen Slooter (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Ways to improve communication and support in healthcare centres according to people with aphasia and their relatives: a Dutch perspective
Maren van Rijssen (Onderzoeker); Jytte Isaksen (Onderzoeker); Dorien Vandenborre (Onderzoeker); Marloes Veldkamp (Onderzoeker); Els Bryon (Onderzoeker); Lianne Remijn (Onderzoeker); Anne Visser‑Meily (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector); Lizet van Ewijk (Onderzoeker)