Reflective Goal-setting Improves Academic Performance in Teacher and Business Education
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Schippers, Michaéla; Van Schooten, Erik
The right job pays: Effects of different types of work on study progress of pre-service teachers
Dekker, I. (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Chong, C.F.; Schippers, M.C.; van Schooten, E.; Delnoij, L.E.C.
Een uitgestelde keuze voor een vakgebied
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Snoek, Marco (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Fokkens-Bruinsma, Marjon
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning: evaluating a teacher professional development program in primary education
P.H.M. Sins; R. de Leeuw; J. de Brouwer; E. Vrieling-Teunter
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning
Brouwer, (Jaap) (Onderzoeker); Vrieling, (Emmy) (Extern); Sins, (Patrick) (Extern); Leeuw, (Renske) de (Onderzoeker)
Effects of instruction in writing-to-learn in different disciplines and types of education
A.C. van Dijk
Exploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.
Student teachers’ future time perspective and teacher identity: A longitudinal study about students who will become primary school teachers
Hanna, Fadie (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Andre, Lucija; Zee, Marjolein
Annemieke de Jong
Low-achieving adolescent students' perspectives on their interactions with classmates.
Marion van de Sande; Minne Fekkes; R.F.W. (René) Diekstra; Carolien Gravesteijn; Paul L. Kocken; Ria Reis