Immersion door visual design
Nick van Scholten (Student); Hans Kemp (Begeleider); Mijntje Zaat (Begeleider); Alpha Leonis (Begeleider)
Gender and video games: how is female gender generally represented in various genres of video games?
Xeniya Kondrat (Student); Ivonne louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
The Unanswered Question of Musical Meaning.
Tom Langhorst (Docent)
Understanding the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect consoles in long-term care facilities
Hannah R. Marston; C.A: Greenlay; Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker)
Influence of Social Networks on Adolescent Obesity In: Friendships: cultural variations, developmental issues and impact on health.
Dr Eveline Wouters (Lector); Prof Rinie Geenen
Player behavioural modelling for video games
van Lankveld, G.; Spronck, P.H.M.; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Piracy and DRM in PC videogames : striking a balance.
Erwin van Eijden (Student); Theo Bors (Begeleider)
We are the world... we want to play a game!
Annet Appelman; Marjo van Hoorn (Begeleider); Folkert Haanstra (Begeleider)
A method to identify talent: Visual search and locomotion behavior in young football players
Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.; H.A. Haans, Sascha; K. Kooijman, Margit; M. van Kampen, Paulien
Motivating students in engineering & ICT education
Ir. Peter van Kollenburg (Docent); Ir. Dick van Schenk Brill