When Fungus punched Anthropos in the Gut: On Crap, Fish-eating Trees, Rhizomes and Organized Networks
de Vries, Patricia
The psychological value of time: two experiments on the appraisal of time during the train journey
Galetzka, Mirjam; Pruyn, Ad; van Hagen, M.; Vos, Martijn; Moritz, Brit; Gostelie, Floor
YouTube as an online marketing channel for BimBimBikes
Etienne Veldhuis (Begeleider); M. Willems (Begeleider); V. Pika (Student); Johan Weggemans (Begeleider)
Teunie van Hernen
This post is sponsored: effects of sponsorship disclosure on persuasion knowledge and electronic word of mouth in the context of Facebook
S.C. Boerman; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); E.P. van der Aa
Portfolio career
Harris, Robert
Contemporary fashion brands
Yoshka Stooker (Student); J.E. Schröder
How can Royal FloraHolland increase the consumer spending of Dutch flowers and plants to Turkey?
Çeçilya Sezer (Student); W.M.J. van Leeuwen
“This Post Is Sponsored”
Sophie C. Boerman (Onderzoeker); Lotte M. Willemsen (Lector); Eva P. van der Aa
Verhuizen anno 2016
Joost Grol (Student)