Factors affecting honey pricing in domestic supply chain : the case of the Konso District, Ethiopia
Lemita, S.K. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
Watermanagement, een complexe en georganiseerde aanpak : onderzoek naar een verbeterde organisatie structuur op het gebied van het watermanagement ten aanzien van de kleine en middelgrootte landbouwer in het OW-MCP gebied
Aarnoutse, B. (Student); Halsema, W.; Lila, A.; Hoof, H. van
The way forward to sustainable urban agricultural projects : a case of Urban Vegetable Promotion Project (UVPP) in Dar-es-Salaam-Tanzania
Mhina, P.E. (Student); Put, M.J.M.J.; Witteveen, L.
Is EU agricultural and trade policy hampering their commitment towards the Millennium Development Goals?
Raphael T. Fellmer (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
HIV&AIDS knowledge of agricultural extension workers and the challenge to mainstream in their sector : the case of Awassa Zuria district, Ethiopia
Mamo, W. (Student); Oenema, K.
Information circulation in rice production: the case of UNVDA and Ndop rice farmers, Cameroon
Chindong, P.E. (Student); Witteveen, L.; Put, M.; Moor, I. de
Building social capitla in women farmer groups through contribution of integrated pest management farmer's field school program in Kavre District, Nepal
Humagain, R.P. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Increasing access of female students to vocational education : a study of the Agricultural School LAMS, Benin
Bio Yara, O.G.J.P. (Student); Kingma, K.; Westendorp, A.M.; Grijpma, L.
Analyse van gestelde Tweede-Kamervragen over dierenwelzijn en de verkregen media-aandacht in het jaar 2007/2008
Hardeman-Kleingeld, A. (Student); Star, R. van der (Student); Vogelzang, I.; Versteegh, J.