Evaluation of Approaches for Documentation in Continuous Software Development
Theo Theunissen (Onderzoeker); Sietse Overbeek (Onderzoeker); Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector)
Application of Yolov8 and Detectron2 for Bullet Hole Detection and Score Calculation From the Shooting Cards
Marya Butt (Onderzoeker); Ander de Keijzer (Lector); Jaimy Monsuur (Student); Ruben Stoop (Student); Nick Glas (Student)
An original template solution for FAIR scientific text mining
Zondervan, Niels A.; Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Towards Responsible AI Code Development: A Six-Value Process Model for Junior and Novice AI Programmers
van Kersbergen, Rick (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Robben, Saskia (Lectoraat Digital Life)
Kennen is anders dan kunnen
Boekhoven, Jeroen (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving); van der Slot, Jacoline; Ketner, Susan Liesbeth (Integrale Aanpak Kindermishandeling)
Gastcollege Onderzoeksethiek
Dons, Karolien
Considerations and guiding questions for inclusive research
Liesdijk, Bodil; Kamara, Esther (Lectoraat Creative Media For Social Change); Rege Turo, Lorena; Priya, Nupur; Vallejo, Monserat; Witschge, Tamara (Lectoraat Creative Media For Social Change)
Elektronisch tafelobject
Maarten Edauw (Student)
Gasverlaters en gasklevers
Tempelman, Daisy G. (Juridische Vraagstukken Binnen De Energietransitie); den Uijl, Marjolein (Energietransitie); Gazendam, Joris
Seven theses on the fediverse and the becoming of FLOSS
A. Mansoux; R. Roscam Abbing