Zocht je misschien: cross?
Restaurants and Local Businesses Go Online
Wouter van Dam (Begeleider); Isaure de Kerros (Student)
The role of Germany in shaping European policies
Martijn Lak (Begeleider); Charlotte S. van der Voet (Student)
Escaping from reality
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Lauren Geldof (Student)
The role of the EU in the Middle-East peace process
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Channa Fonteijn (Student)
Statements on a cold case
Klarenbeek, Annette
International collaboration in engineering projects on product innovation.
Dr.Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent)
International collaboration in engineering projects on product innovation.
Dr. Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent)
L'eau. Communicatiebureau voor gedragsbeïnvloeding
Jurre Lüken (Student); Olaf Cox (Begeleider); Dick Swart (Begeleider)
What's not to like?
Karin Vreeswijk (Student); Fleur van Noesel (Begeleider); Niels Cuijpers (Begeleider); Urs Hasham (Begeleider); Bob Cruijsberg (Begeleider)
Climate change and the EU: hard problems, soft policies
P. (Pieter) Pijlman (Begeleider); Rosalie T.C. Vrolijk (Student)