Building community resilience to perennial flood
Imugba, H.O. (Student); Batjes-Sinclair, K.M.
Quantification of damage evolution in masonry walls subjected to induced seismicity
Dais, Dimitrios; Smyrou, Eleni (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures)
Driving factors in the LCOE trend of offshore wind power
Robin Maljaars (Student); Peter van der Heide (Docent); Bastiaan Brozius (Docent); Gerrit Rentier (Begeleider)
Damage assessment of masonry structures
Dais, Dimitrios
Problematic Use of Nitrous Oxide by Young Moroccan–Dutch Adults
Nabben, Ton (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Weijs, Jelmer; van Amsterdam, Jan
Seismic intervention options for multi-tiered Nepalese Pagodas
Dais, Dimitrios; Smyrou, Eleni (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures)
Developing a new national MDMA policy: Results of a multi-decision multi-criterion decision analysis
van Amsterdam, Jan; Peters, Gjalt-Jorn Ygram; Pennings, Ed; Blickman, Tom; Hollemans, Kaj; Breeksema, Joost J Jacobus; Ramaekers, Johannes G; Maris, Cees; van Bakkum, Floor; Nabben, Ton (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Scholten, Willem; Reitsma, Tjibbe; Noijen, Judith; Koning, Raoul; van den Brink, Wim
Future trends for the structural inspection and assesment of masonry structures : [vision based assessment of masonry structures]
Dais, Dimitrios
Deep learning with Python for crack detection
Dais, Dimitrios
Participative evaluation of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems with ClimateCafé Malmö
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri