Developing an uncertainty-proof Expert Decision Support System for making Real Estate Location Decision in FREM organizations, a case of Investor-Developer-User organization.
Mosallaeipour, S (Sam) (Student)
A knowledge community for lake Grevelingen
Nadine Smits (Student); Liliane Geerling (Begeleider); Herman Haas (Begeleider); Thijs Poortvliet (Begeleider)
Positieve zichtbaarheid van Siemens HVAC-producten
Lisa van Vliet (Student)
Stakeholders' roles for business modelling in a city logistics ecosystem: towards a conceptual model
G. Zenezini; J.H.R. van Duin; L. Tavasszy; A. De Marco
Merdan Albayrak (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft
Transforming Clinical Practice Guideline Usage Through the Use of a Clinical Decision Support System: An explorative study at the University Medical Centre Utrecht
Koen Smit (Onderzoeker); Pieter Koornneef (Onderzoeker); Julie Nysingh (Onderzoeker); Mart van Zwienen (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Berkhout (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
The rise (and fall?) of HR analytics
Sjoerd van den Heuvel (Lid Lectoraat); Tanya Bondarouk
An internationally consented standard for nursing process-clinical decision support systems in electronic health records
Müller-Staub, Maria; de Graaf-Waar, Helen; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
A standard for nursing process - clinical decision support systems (NP-CDSS).
Müller-Staub, M.; Paans, W. (Nursing Diagnostics)
Dutch Colonial Legacy
Rebekah Tromble (Begeleider); Angelo Schneider (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)