Investigating water quality improvement options in lake Volkerak
Coen Janse (Student); Anne Oele (Docent); Carlien Nijdam (Docent); Leo Linnartz (Begeleider); Gijs van Zonneveld (Begeleider)
The impact of multiple value creation on management control systems
E.J. Willekes (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Jonker; Koos Wagensveld
O-61 Barriers and Facilitators for Participation in Workplace Health Promotion Programs: Peer-to-Peer Interviews Among Employees
Denise Smit; Karin Proper; Josephine Engels; Sandra van Oostrom; Jennifer Campmans
Mission Impact
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker)
Higher Education and Wicked Problems
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker)
Impact of student interventions on urban greening processes
Stobbelaar, D.J. (Lector)
Linked opportunities to the Water Framework Directive and Natura 2000
Tess van der Hulle (Student); Jasper van den Heuvel (Begeleider); Thijs Poortvliet (Begeleider); Pierre Bleuzé (Begeleider)
Real estate valuation techniques
Schuijt, YC (Yvonne) (Student)
Ecocentric education: Student reflections on anthropocentrism-ecocentrism continuum and justice
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Elephants in the Boardroom?
Hoomans, S.A. (Sandra) (Researcher)