IBS Event - "Sharing Educational and Resarch Practices"
Kviatek, Beata
Aligning interprofessional education and person-centred practice
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Kidritsch, Anita
Understanding the effect of an educational intervention to optimize HIV testing strategies in primary care in Amsterdam – results of a mixed-methods study
Bogers, Saskia; Nieuwkerk, Pythia; van Dijk, Nynke; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Geerlings, Suzanne; van Bergen, Jan
Een soepele overgang
Luinge, Margreet
INPRO; Results of the Erasmus+ interprofessional education and collaboration in practice; How transferring European promising practice to education and vice versa move interprofessional education and rehabilitation practice forward.
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Aerts, Ingrid
Gwen Weeldenburg; Len Kromkamp; Lars Borghouts; Pepijn Verburg; Nicolai Brodersen Hansen; Steven Vos
Leerlijn Regionale Economie
Koster, Sierdjan; Edzes, Arjen
How to Support Co-creation in Higher Education: The Validation of a Questionnaire
Miranda de Hei (Onderzoeker); Inge Audenaerde (Onderzoeker)
Creating Caring and Just Democratic Schools to Prevent Extremism
de Ruyter, Doret; Sieckelinck, Stijn (Lectoraat Youth Spot)
Een integrale aanpak voor leerlingen met ASS: Wat werkt?
Geveke, Carla; van Dijk, Marjan