Kritieke factoren bij organisatieverandering
Reezigt, Cees
Ondernemen met Lef
Veth, Klaske
Techno-Economic Assessment of Battery Systems for PV-Equipped Households with Dynamic Contracts:
Dam, Marion (System Integration In The Energy Transition); van der Laan, Marten (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
Welcome and wrap-up
Mobach, Mark P.
Simulation and analysis of hybrid hydrogen-battery renewable energy storage for off-electric-grid Dutch household system
Chamout, M.W. (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition); Perl, Andras (System Integration In The Energy Transition); Hengeveld, Evert Jan (System Integration In The Energy Transition); Aué, Jan-jaap (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition)
Lessons learned from 10 years of wind tunnel tests on small wind turbines designed by students
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Adema, Niels (Wind Energy); Lipian, M; Kulak, M; Shahid, A; Best, A; Bendre, T; Gallicchio, I; Elsabbagh, A; Mostafa, A; Kim, T; Mikkelsen, R; Gaunnaa, M; Teuwen, J.J.E.; Rudolf, R.T.; Wood, D; Holierhoek, J.G.
Waterstof, een groene belofte?
Aué, Jan-jaap
Energietransitie in vogelvlucht : energiebijeenkomst Assen
van der Laan, Marten
Expert Meeting Waterstoflandschap
van Dam, Kim ; Aué, Jan-jaap; van Spijk, Alex; Boer, Marianne
Gedachtenexperiment met water en energie
van Dam, K.I.M. (Duurzame Gebouwde Omgeving)