International competences within family and non-family firms
Seckin, B. (Birdane) (Researcher); Weerden, L. (Louise) van (Lector); Wierstra, E. (Erik) (Lector)
The emerging role of advisory boards in strategizing in family firms : a sensemaking perspective
Judith van Helvert-Beugels (Lector)
Adolescents’ expectations about the timing of family life events
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
Family Dairy Tech, India
Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector); Rankenberg, E.H.M. (Docent); Agrawal, P.; Verschuur, C.M. (Docent)
Innovatiewerkplaats op de grens: IWP EDRiT - grensoverschrijdend samenwerken aan regionale opgaven
Bulder, E.A.M.
Family Dairy Tech India
Eweg, R. (Rik) (Lector); Agrawal, P. (Pramod) (Researcher); Rankenberg, B. (Ben) (Researcher); Verschuur, M. (Marco) (Researcher)
Let go of the familiar, the potential is in the unknown
N. van Hee (Student); Margot Tempelman (Begeleider); Bianca Bijkerk-van Ommen (Docent)
Strategic entrepreneurship : from family business to entrepreneurial business family
Anita Van Gils (Lector)
Social media: van strategie tot uitvoering
Jasper Kramp (Student)
Utilizing change effort prediction to analyze modifiability of business rule architectures at the NHS
Martijn Zoet (Lector); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)