Moving forward without resolution: managing competing logics through a temporary agreement
B. Rietdijk; K. Dittrich; A.P. de Man
Turkish translation and validation of an interprofessional identity measure: EPIS-TR
Kolcu, Giray; İnci Başer Kolcu, Mukadder; Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Built Environment Influences on Emotional State Loneliness among Young Adults during Daily Activities: An Experience Sampling Approach
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Dominique Gijsbers (Onderzoeker); Astrid Kemperman
Developing an interprofessional identity complementary to a professional identity - findings related to Extended Professional Identity Theory (EPIT)
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kolcu, Giray; Baser Kolcu, Inci
Who Can Say What? Testing the Impact of Interpersonal Mechanisms and Gender on Fairness Evaluations of Content Moderation
Weber, Ina; Gonçalves, João; Masullo, Gina M.; Torres da Silva, Marisa; Hofhuis, Joep (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship)
Motives for voluntary entrepreneurial exits and corresponding pathways
M. Cornelisse; B. Rietdijk; L.M.M. van der Knaap
Post-Lockdown shift: SMEs adopting hybrid approaches to international B2B relationships
M. Cornelisse
Nurse-Led Physical Screening of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
J. F. M. Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); V. J. A. Buwalda; A. E. Goudriaan; Berno van Meijel (Lector)