The World is Changing, People and Morals are Changing, but Does Luxury Transform as Well?
Sergejcuka, A (Anastasija) (Student)
Social media: van strategie tot uitvoering
Jasper Kramp (Student)
The Only Way is UP!
Welmoed Sinnema (Student); Babette van Hout (Student); Hubert Meulman; Andrea Witkam
Educational pedagogy of professionalism
Loes Houweling (Onderzoeker); Aziza Mayo (Lector)
Application of an automated sensor to segment alignment method for IMU-based kinematical joint angle estimation during treadmill cycling
Arno van der Zwet (Student); Aad Lagerberg; Herre Faber
Positieve kwel?
Otto Kuypers (Student); E.H. Rob (Begeleider); Stan van den Broek (Student)
No more conflicts
Scala, P.; Mujica Mota, M.; Delahaye, D.
Can posttraumatic stress disorder be prevented?
Tessa op den Buijs
Silence is not golden: a positive take on preoccupation with failure
A.F. de Wild; V. Versluis
Kleine partijspelen bij jeugdvoetballers
Nijland, Rick (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Frencken, Wouter; Doeven, Steven (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Brink, Michel