Outcome of Burns Treated With Autologous Cultured Proliferating Epidermal Cells
Dutch Outback Study Group1
The Impact of Media Involvement by the South African Truth And Reconciliation Commission in the National Reconciliation Process of Post-apartheid South-Africa
M.G.P. Peeters (Begeleider); Laura Halonen (Student)
Predicting complex acute wound healing in patients from a wound expertise centre registry
Ubbink, Dirk T; Lindeboom, Robert; Eskes, Anne M; Brull, Huub; Legemate, Dink A; Vermeulen, Hester
Healing Offices
Stijnenbosch, Martin
Cost-Effectiveness of Laser Doppler Imaging in Burn Care in The Netherlands;
Hop, M J; Stekelenburg, C; Hiddingh, J; Kuipers, H; Goei, H; Middelkoop, E; Polinder, S; van, Baar M E; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns)
Designing for dementia
J. van Hoof (Onderzoeker); D. O'Brien
Healing Environment in de praktijk
H.S.M. Kort (Lector); Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat)
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for treating acute surgical and traumatic wounds
Eskes, A (Faculteit Gezondheid); Vermeulen, Hester; Lucas, C; Ubbink, DT
Healing environment in een wachtruimte van de polikliniek
Nicolet van de Bunt (Student); Karin Grooten (Begeleider); Jean Spreksel (Begeleider)
Zelfreparerende materialen
Beurden, K.M.M. (Karin) van (Lector); Goselink, E.A. (Erik) (Researcher)