The effects on South Asian minorities post-Brexit
Aradhna Changoer (Student); Antje Grebner
Plasma citrulline concentration, a marker for intestinal functionality, reflects exercise intensity in healthy young men
Shirley Kartaram (Lid Lectoraat); Marco Mensink; Marc Teunis (Lid Lectoraat); Eric Schoen; Lonneke Janssen - Duijghuijsen; Martie Verschuren; Karin Mohrmann; Laura M'Rabet (Lid Lectoraat); Karen Knipping; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Andy van Helvoort; Johan Garssen; Renger Witkamp; Raymond Pieters (Lector); Klaske van Norren
Expectations about Fertility and Field of Study among Adolescents: A Case of Self-selection?
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
Abstract submission from U!REKA
Daas, Sanne; Griffioen, Didi
What the future holds in store for ssLNG
Dam, Jacques
E-IMR: e-health added to face-to-face delivery of Illness Management & Recovery programme for people with severe mental illness, an exploratory clustered randomized controlled trial
Beentjes, T. (Titus) (Researcher); Goossens, P.J.J. (Peter) (Professor); Vermeueen, H. (Hester) (Professor); Teerenstra, S. (Steven) (Phd); Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G. (Maria) (Phd); Gaal, B.G.I. (Betsie) van (Professor)
Panarchy as adaptation paradigm in the anthropocene
van Haren, R.J.F.; Starmann, Irmgard; Boogaard, Floris
Panarchy in the anthropocene
van Haren, R.J.F.; Starmann, Irmgard; Verheijden, Bob
(re)CYCLE Limburg
Nurhan Abujidi (Lector)
Computer Security Incident Response Team Effectiveness: A Needs Assessment
Rick van der Kleij (Lid Lectoraat); Geert Kleinhuis; Heather Young