The influence of photographs when choosing horses for purchase
Schnaudt, M. (Student); Wolframm, I.
Accounting in small and medium-sized equine businesses in Germany
Quast, S. (Student); Bomans, F.; Buch, J.
Investigating the potential and feasibility of conducting scientific research on the impact of phytonics 'gluco balance' on insulin resistant horses
Denkhaus, L. (Student); Laarakker, E.; Verweij, F.
Development of a sport psychological inventory investigating mental skills in equestrian sports
Beck, J. (Student); Wolframm, I.
A comprehensive summary of the scientific literature on Horse Assisted Education in Germany
Bogner, F. (Student); Beekman, S.; Neuse, V.; Wiggers, T.
The impact of physiological symptoms of arousal in the rider on horse-rider interaction
Kievith, E. (Student); Wolframm, I.
Cross Breeding in the Oldenburger warmblood population from 1990 untill 2010
Kobbe, C. (Student); Tartwijk, H. van
The impact of physiological symptoms of arousal in the rider on a dressage performance
Stoorvogel, N. (Student); Wolframm, I.
Health aspects involved in hay soaking - regarding the horse
Hemme, S. (Student); onbekend
What are they looking at? : visual search behaviour of Grand Prix judges
Schiffers, H. (Student); Wolframm, I.