Zocht je misschien: interaction, intervention?
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
Coastal Conquest
Roel Bekkers (Student)
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
Challenges for the Orthopaedic Shoe Profession and related research
F.C. Holtkamp (Docent)
Service engineers in change: count your words
Marjolein Caniëls (Begeleider); Jan Ulijn (Begeleider); dr Jos Pieterse (Docent); Thijs Homan (Begeleider)
The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures
Stijn Reijnders; Linda Duits; Koos Zwaan
The strategic value of design for e-democracy
A.W. (Bert) Mulder (Lector)
Hierarchies and learning in the conservatoire
Burt-Perkins, Rosie