Managing the flexibility of hospital real estate
Lenderink, HWO (Otto) (Student)
Coaches and officials
Donna de Haan (Lid Lectoraat); Stacy Warner
The role of the European Union in the Catalan Separation Crisis
Jet van der Kolk (Student); N. Schwan
The Irish legislative gender quota
Seán Dunleavy (Student); Margriet Krijtenburg
Urbanism on water and ecology: The early example of Westerpark, Breda
Roggema, Rob; Roggema, Rob
A project plan on the expansion of new glamping accommodations and site layout at Zonneweelde based on the wishes of the current target group
Stephanie Govaert (Student); Bianca Bijkerk-van Ommen (Docent); M.C. Garcia Elizondo (Begeleider); Maaike Basting (Begeleider)
The SME landscape and current SME issues in the Netherlands
Grit, Alexander
Smooth Traffic Management - Haalbaarheidsstudie
Sjoerd de Boer (Student); Rowena Evers (Student); Fabian Koch (Student); Niels Langeveld (Student); Saskia Tromp (Student); Nick Pruijn (Begeleider)
Gedragsverandering automobilisten ten behoeve van de leefomgeving
Nine Engering (Student); Ton Bezemer (Begeleider); Nick Pruijn (Begeleider)