Identifying XAI User Needs
Jenia Kim (Onderzoeker); Henry Maathuis (Onderzoeker); Kees van Montfort (Onderzoeker); Danielle Sent (Onderzoeker)
Evaluating the reliability and validity of practitioners and consumers’ advertising creativity assessments
K. Mazerant-Dubois; L.M. Willemsen; P.C. Neijens; G. van Noort
Effects of major urban redesign on sedentary behavior, physical activity, active transport and health-related quality of life in adults
Nicole Stappers; Marleen Bekker; Maria Jansen; Stef Kremers; Nanne de Vries; Jasper Schipperijn; Dave Van Kann
How does job meaningfulness prevent surface acting through positive emotions?
Louise Theresa Birke (Student); Daphne Dekker (Begeleider)
Topical Advertising in enduring events: the role of timing and creativity in engagement with social media brand messages during COVID-19
K. Mazerant-Dubois; L.M. Willemsen; P.C. Neijens; E.J. van Schooten; G. van Noort
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: A qualitative study on the experiences of clients and clinicians in working with a practical tool.
E. Littooij; S. Doodeman; J. Holla; M. Ouwerkerk; L. Post; Ton Satink; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J Dekker; V. de Groot
Job satisfacion in the Dutch primary equine industry
Stark, J. (Student); Smit, D.
The Meaningfulness of Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism in Forensic Mental Health Rehabilitation Practice: A Systematic Review
Lobke H. Keune; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Mara Eisenberg; Hjalmar J. C. van Marle
Secondary school students’ experiences of presence in daily classroom practice
Edith C.J. Roefs (Lid Lectoraat); Yvonne A.M. Leeman; Ida E. Oosterheert; Paulien C. Meijer
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Murphy, Timothy R. N.; Mannix-McNamara, Patricia