Children's route choice during active transportation to school : difference between shortest and actual route
F.H. Pierik; G. Hegeman; D. Dessing; S.I. (Sanne) Vries (Lector); W. van Mechelen
A short physical activity break from cognitive tasks increases selective attention in primary school children aged 10-11
Janssen, M.; Chinapaw, M.J.M.; Rauh, S.P.; Toussaint, H.M.; van Mechelen, W.; Verhagen, E.A.L.M.
The Implementation of Multiple Lifestyle Interventions in Two Organizations, A Process Evaluation
Debbie Wierenga; L.H. Engbers; P. van Empelen; K.J. de Moes; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Rob Gründemann (Lector); W. van Mechelen
Van 0-4, ‘Motorische ontwikkeling’
Mombarg, Remo (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Mombarg, Bert
Effects of acute bouts of physical activity on children’s attention: a systematic review of the literature
Janssen, Mirka (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Toussaint, Huub M; van Mechelen, Willem; Verhagen, Evert ALM
Translating the PLAYgrounds program into practice
Janssen, Mirka (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Toussaint, Huub M.; van Mechelen, Willem; A.L.M. Verhagen, Evert
Belemmerende en faciliterende factoren voor fysieke activiteit bij gezonde kinderen van 4 t/m 18 jaar
Claudia van Mechelen
Effectiveness of the PLAYgrounds programme on PA levels during recess in 6-year-old to 12-year-old children
Janssen, M. (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Toussaint, Huub M; van Mechelen, Willem; A.L.M. Verhagen, Evert
PLAYgrounds: Effect of a PE playground program in primary schools on PA levels during recess in 6 to 12 year old children. Design of a prospective controlled trial
Janssen, Mirka; Toussaint, Huub M; Van Mechelen, Willem; Verhagen, Evert ALM