Family, health, and wellbeing: the lives of Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands
Cheung, Sie Long; van der Schans, Cees; Krijnen, Wim; Hobbelen, Hans
Biofouling on plastic waste as indicator for source origin Macroplastics in the Delta project
Corne Kleijn (Student); Anne Oele (Docent); Martine van den Heuvel-Greve (Begeleider)
Hoe kan de onboarding van een nieuwe medewerker worden verbeterd door het leren kennen van collega’s makkelijker te maken met behulp van technologie?
Dietrich, KR (Kenrick) (Student)
Social mediastrategie voor Bureau Buitenland
Laurens Visser (Student); Hendrie van Maanen (Begeleider)
Augmented Reality Dressing Room on Smart Devices
Pham, NTM (Mai) (Student)
An Exploration into the Possible Effects of the English Language as the Medium of Instruction in an International School in Germany on Native German Students’ Reading Motivation in their Native Language
Louisa Wowerat (Student)
The impact of textual elements on the comprehensibility of drug label instructions (DLIs): a systematic review
E. Maghroudi; C.M.J. van Hooijdonk; H. van de Bruinhorst; L. van Dijk; J. Rademakers; S.D. Borgsteede
Lynx presence in Roman times in the lower germanic Limes region
Ivo Horn (Onderzoeker); Aviva Shuman (Student); Irene Chan (Student); Cornelus Maliepaard (Onderzoeker); Lisette Kootker (Onderzoeker); Marcel Eurlings (Onderzoeker); Roderick Bakker (Student); Barbara Gravendeel (Lector); Chiara Cavallo (Onderzoeker)
Analysing Language Exposure and its Consequences on Bilingual Development in Dutch–English-Speaking Children in Australia
Janabi, Marrit; Purcell, Alison; Duursma, Elisabeth; Bochane, Margot (Language Function & Healthy Ageing); Bogaardt, Hans
Space Oddities: The Acquisition of Agreement Verbs by L2 Learners of Sign Language of the Netherlands
Eveline Boers-Visker (Onderzoeker); Roland Pfau