The effect of providing learning analytics on student behaviour and performance in programming: a randomised controlled experiment
Hellings, Jan; Haelermans, Carla
Learning and Knowledge Transfer of Professionals within the Building Services Sector
L.C.M. (Laure) Itard (Lector); Marcus Specht (Onderzoeker); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector); Wim Zeiler (Onderzoeker)
Opfererfahrungen im Internet – Schutz- und Risikofaktoren
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); Susanne van 't Hoff-de Goede (Lid Lectoraat); Rick van der Kleij (Lid Lectoraat); Steve van de Weijer (Lid Lectoraat)
How The End-to-End Customer Experience bridges the relationship between signalling and trust in online shopping.
Cécile Sternel (Student); David Branon (Begeleider)
Consumer Behaviour of Poshtel guests in Costa Rica
Tim Loth (Student); Andriew Lim (Begeleider)
Strengthening supervisor support for employees with common mental health problems: developing a workplace intervention using intervention mapping.
Suzanne van Hees; Bouwine Carlier; R.W.B. Blonk; S. Oomens
LEGO® Serious Play as a methodology for exploring perfectionistic self-presentation and trait perfectionism in offline and online settings
Y. Bergs (Onderzoeker); P. Peters (Onderzoeker); X.D. Lub (Lector); R.J. Blomme (Onderzoeker)
Development of a microlearning intervention regarding nursing nutritional care for older adults: A multi-methods study
Debbie ten Cate (Onderzoeker); Jeroen Dikken (Onderzoeker); Roelof G.A. Ettema (Onderzoeker); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker); Marieke J. Schuurmans (Onderzoeker)
Cross-border shopping in the Euregio Rhine-Meuse-North
Carla Arts (Lid Lectoraat)
CO2 uitstoot omlaag, inclusiviteit omhoog
Lamain, Wiebo (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elbert, Sarah (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Ottema, Jantina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)