Zocht je misschien: psychologie?
From flexibility human resource management to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: A multisample study
Annet de Lange; Matthijs Bal
Learning at the workspace and sustainable employability: a multi source model moderated by age
Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden; Marjan Gorgievski
How evaluation and need for structure affect motivation and creativity
Slijkhuis, Marjette; Rietzschel, Eric F.; van Yperen, Nico
The motivational capacity of occupational future time perspective as a moderator of the relationships between job control, work engagement, and personal initiative
Annet de Lange; Hannes Zacher; Antje Schmitt
A Lifespan Perspective on Psychological Contracts and its Relations with Organizational Commitment
Beatrice van der Heijden; Hannes Zacher; Matthijs Bal; Annet de Lange
Long‐term developments in individual work behaviour: Patterns of stability and change
Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden; René Schalk; Marc van Veldhoven
Implementability of HR-policies
Emans, Ben; van der Klok Postema, Marijke; Peelen, Ad; Weering, Gerald
Terrorist and counterterrorist operations
M.G.D. Rothman; R.J.M. Beeres; H.F.M.H. Kirkels; J.M.L.M. Soeters
Zicht op Interne Communicatie. Ontwerp van een bedrijfseconomisch georienteerd diagnose-instrument.
Reezigt, Cees (Marian Van Os Centre Of Expertise Ondernemen)