Transition to parenthood: it does not get easier the next time
Susan Ketner (Onderzoeker); Carolien Gravesteijn (Lector); Margot Jeannette Verschuur (Onderzoeker)
The transition to adulthood: a game changer? A longitudinal analysis of the impact of major life events on sport participation
Jasper van Houten; G. Kraaykamp; B. Pelzer
Expectations about Fertility and Field of Study among Adolescents: A Case of Self-selection?
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
Ouderschap bij psychische aandoeningen
van der Ende, P.C.; Korevaar, E.L.
Single parenthood and children’s educational performance: inequality among families and schools.
Marloes de Lange; J. Dronkers
Adolescents’ expectations about the timing of family life events
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
Supporting parents with enduring mental health problems
van der Ende, P.C.; Nolan, M.
The transition to adulthood: a game changer? Panel analyses of the impact of major life events on sport participation.
Jasper van Houten
Strategies for parenting by mothers and fathers with a mental illness
van der Ende, Peter; van Busschbach, J.T.; Nicholson, J.; Korevaar, L.; van Weeghel, J.
Eleventh International Conference of the European Network For Mental Health Service Evaluation
van der Ende, Peter; van Busschbach, Jooske T.; Nicholson, Joanne; Korevaar, L.; van Weeghel, Jaap