Zocht je misschien: physiotherapists?
6th conference on Preventive Physiotherapy Japan
Hobbelen, Hans
Paul Wagstaff commemorate lecture
Hobbelen, Hans
Rotator CUFF disorders: a survey of current physiotherapy practice in Belgium and the Netherlands
L. Pieters; L.P. Voogt; J. Bury; C. Littlewood; S. Feijen; C. Cavaggion; F. Struyf
Effect of physical exercise on cognitive function and brain measures after chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer (PAM study): protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Witlox, Lenja; Schagen, Sanne B; de Ruiter, Michiel B; Geerlings, Mirjam I; Peeters, Petra H M; Koevoets, Emmie W; van der Wall, Elsken; Stuiver, Martijn (Faculteit Gezondheid); Sonke, Gabe; Velthuis, Miranda J; Palen, Job A M van der; Jobsen, Jan J; May, Anne M; Monninkhof, E M
Physiotherapy students’ experiences with clinical reasoning during clinical placements
Wijbenga, Miriam H.; Bovend'Eerdt, Thamar J.H.; Driessen, Erik W.
Patients’ experiences with commercially available activity trackers embedded in physiotherapy treatment
Darcy Ummels (Lid Lectoraat); Emmylou Beekman (Lector); Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Susy Braun (Lector); Sandra Beurskens (Lector)
Patients’ experiences with commercially available activity trackers embedded in physiotherapy treatment
Darcy Ummels (Lid Lectoraat); Emmylou Beekman (Lector); Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Susy Braun (Lector); Sandra Beurskens
Ageism in healthcare: a limiting factor in the use of technology ?
Anne Johanna van Tintelen (Student); Ivo Balk (Begeleider)
Cost-effectiveness of a blended physiotherapy intervention compared to usual physiotherapy in patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis
Kloek, Corelien J J; van Dongen, Johanna M; de Bakker, Dinny H; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Dekker, Joost; Veenhof, Cindy
Een multidisciplinaire beschouwing over logopedische zorg bij patiënten met cognitieve communicatiestoornissen
Anne-Marij van Woudenbergh (Student); Renske de Vries (Begeleider); Katrien Colman (Begeleider)