Design Lessons from Practise
Harma Horlings; Noël van Dooren
Leren in netwerken
Ellen Witteveen (Lid Lectoraat)
"Practise what you teach"
Gabriela de Bruin (Student); Maaike Verkuijlen (Begeleider); Eveline Kersten (Begeleider)
genomineerd voor Addy Ruts scriptieprijsPractices and challenges of growth monitoring and promotion in Ethiopia
Mark Spigt; Roman Blanco; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Selamawit Bilal; Geert Jan Dinant
It takes a mother to practise breastfeeding
Oosterhoff, Bettie; Haisma, Hinke; Hutter, Inge
Microhabitat characteristics of kill and rest sites of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in northern Norway
Frauendorf, M. (Student); Schevers, E. (Student); Wijk, B.B.H. van; Kuipers, H.J.
Unauthorised file sharing
J. Poort; P.W.M. Rutten
Regionwise enterprise
Foorthuis, Willem
Cyber security and policy responses
A.J.H. Bouwmeester; J.M. Folmer; P.A.L. Ducheine
Logistic service providers and sustainable physical distribution
Stef Weijers; Hans-Heinrich Glöckner; Reinder Pieters