Zocht je misschien: opinie?
Crisis Communication Strategies and their Impact on Organisational Reputation and Public Trust in the case of Pungești against Chevron
Antonia Petre (Student)
How can the initiative “daar kun je mee thuiskomen” improve their bob-campaigns in order to have a positive impact on the attitudes and behaviour of dutch licenced drivers between the age of 18-34 years old
Vera Laing (Student); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Ad Franzen (Begeleider)
A communication advice for WAHLE & WOLF
Carmen Schaeffer (Student); Klaus-Peter Wolf (Begeleider); Ivonne Louw (Begeleider)
The Foreign Agents Law in Russia
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Eva M.C. van Beek (Student)
De opinies in Nederland ten aanzien van stotteren
K.D. Pols (Student); I.T. Rietveld (Student); K.H.J. Schol (Student); S.E. Noordeloos (Student); M.A.J. Pertijs (Begeleider)
'Veilige Publieke Taak'
Tanja Hagen (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs (Begeleider)
The emergence of a fourth pillar in Dutch development cooperation
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Ricardo Kleyweg (Student)
Literatuur als discussiemiddel in de late middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd
Bas Jongenelen (Docent)
A toolbox to success
Rita R. Mahabier (Student); Z. Kahar (Begeleider)
Public Private Partnerships in the EU
Marta Gajda (Student); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)