Notes on the networked psyche
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Implementing experience sampling technology for functional analysis in family medicine
Naomie Daniëls; Laura Hochstenbach (Lid Lectoraat); Marloes Amantia van Bokhoven; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Philippe Delespaul
Al-Raqqa civic generator
Kinan Fleihan (Student)
Gas fuelled injection moulding heater : Thermal & Constructional redesign
Ruud Groen (Docent); F. Schnoor (Student); M. den Ouden (Student)
Influencing nursing students' perceptions of community care with curriculum-redesign; a quasi-experimental cohort study
van Iersel, Margriet; de Vos, Rien; van Rijn, Marjon (Faculteit Gezondheid); Latour, Corine H. M.; Kirschner, Paul A.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.
Learning to enhance children's creativity in a makerspace
Pijls, Monique (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Kragten, Marco (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); van Eijck, Tom (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Leite, Laurinda; Oldham, Elizabeth; Carvalho, Luísa; Afonso, Ana S.; Viseu, Floriano; Dourado, Luís; Martinho, Maria Helena
Influencing Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Perceptions of Community Care with Targeted Curriculum Redesign Strategies
Van Iersel, M.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); De Vos, R.; Kirschner, P.; Scholte Op Reimer, W.
Seven years of plenty? Learning at, with, through, from and for the FabLab at Hogeschool Rotterdam
Peter Troxler (Lector); Manon Mostert-van der Sar (Onderzoeker)
Zandkreeksluis traffic improvement
Iek Lambooij (Student); Piet Dekker (Begeleider); Fred Lindenberg (Begeleider); Kees Steur (Begeleider)
Hey teachers, find your inner designer: stimulating reflection with a cultural probe approach
Manon Mostert-van der Sar (Lid Lectoraat)