Zocht je misschien: reflection?
Re-organise: Game-Based Learning of Circular Business Model Innovation
Lange, Kasper P. H. (City Net Zero); Korevaar, Gijsbert; Oskam, Inge F. (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Herder, Paulien M.
Applied design research
Joore, P.; Stompff, G.; Eijnde, J. van den
Exploring a salutogenic and asset approach to communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflections of University staff and students
Gwendolijn Boonekamp; K. Cregan; R. Lonkhuijzen van; M. Buy; M. Berisha; G. Ortiz-Barreda; M. Braga; E. Matusiak-Wieczorek
Audit trail procedure
Bas Agricola (Onderzoeker)
Applied design research
Peter Joore; Guido Stompff; Jeroen van den Eijnde
Reflections on the inclusion of experiential knowledge within participatory research into male sex work
van den Dries, Anke (Lectoraat Youth Spot); Boutsias, Christoforos; van Oorschot, Frank
Implementation of a program to support direct support professionals to promote a healthy lifestyle for people with moderate to profound intellectual disabilities
Overwijk, Annelies (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hilgenkamp, Thessa I.M.; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Vlot-van Anrooij, D.E.K.; van der Putten, A. A. J.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities)
Attitudes and experiences towards the application of motivational interviewing by podiatrists working with people with diabetes at high‑risk of developing foot ulcers: a mixed‑methods study
Jongebloed-Westra, M.; Bode, C.; Bente, B. E.; de Jonge, J. M. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); ten Klooster, P. M.; Koffijberg, H.; Exterkate, S. H.; van Netten, J. J.; van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C.
Cities for talent
Counihan, Marian; van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Keep Ukraine connected
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur); van der Togt, Maria; &23%#719, 1111