Zocht je misschien: situation?
Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research
Albine Moser; Irene Korstjens
A power-assisted exercise intervention in people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities living in a residential facility
Bossink, Leontien; van der Putten, Annette; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Vlaskamp, Carla
Use of IMUs in Australian football to identify a kick and its corresponding limb velocity
Susanne Ellens (Student); Aad Lagerberg; Hanneke Braakhuis
Influence of water ageing and UV exposure on properties of epoxy biocomposites
Hugo Mermet (Student); Katrin Tazelaar (Begeleider); B.S. Wildeboer (Begeleider)
Determinants of the sustained employment of physician assistants in hospitals: a qualitative study
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; I.T.H.M Maassen; L Draaijer; AGM Hoofwijk; M Spanier; W. van Unen; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
How does injury compensation affect health and disability in patients with complaints of whiplash? A qualitative study among rehabilitation experts-professionals.
Suzan Mooren - van der Meer; M. Pieterse; M. Reneman; J. Verhoeven; J. van der Palen
Imaging Spectroscopy in the Tokamak a Configuration Variable
R. Buning (Begeleider); Martijn Fleuren (Student)
The multilayer control scheme: a strategy to guide n-robots formations with obstacle avoidance
Brandão, Alexandre Santos; Rampinelli, Vinicius Thiago Lecco; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Sarcinelli-Filho, Mário; Carelli, Ricardo
Extended Definition of Capacity in Airport Systems
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Boosten, Geert; Dolan, Tom; Collins, Brian
Clinical Relevance of Routinely Measured Vital Signs in Hospitalized Patients: A Systematic Review
Storm-Versloot, Marja N.; Verweij, Lotte; Lucas, Cees; Ludikhuize, Jeroen; Goslings, J. Carel; Legemate, Dink A.; Vermeulen, Hester