Discipleship in Lentera Papua
R.J.A. Doornenbal (Begeleider); Theo Vreugdenhil (Student)
A research study into the identity and image of Borre Leesclub
Hannah Louise van Otterloo (Student)
parents' role in enabling the participation of their child with a physical disability
Barbara Piskur (Docent)
Management strategies for aligning higher education accomodation with the user needs
Theo van der Voordt; Geert Dewulf; Ronald Beckers
Verschil benutten in het hoger onderwijs: een integrale, interactieve en iteratieve benadering van organisatieontwikkeling
Sjiera de Vries; Gürkan Çelik (Lector); Menno Vos
Encouraging Canadian Adolescents to Go on Exchange with AFS Interculture Canada
Carolina Wood (Begeleider); Julia Salven (Student)
CLIL in junior vocational secondary education: challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning
R. de Graaff; J.L. Denman (Lid Lectoraat); R. Tanner
Teaching journalistic research skills in the digital age
Els Diekerhof (Onderzoeker)
Equity-specific effects of 26 Dutch obesity-related lifestyle interventions
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Kremers, Stef; Assema, Patricia; Schreurs, Hanneke
Projects Abroad goes Flemish.
Nicoline Laman Trip (Student); Hanneke Ponten (Begeleider); Laurens Vos (Begeleider)