Slachtoffer van onlinecriminaliteit, wat nu?
Steve van de Weijer (Onderzoeker); E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); S. van der Zee (Onderzoeker)
Why has the implementation of UNSCR 1325(2000) on taking a stand for Women, Peace, and Security by the Netherlands and Italy failed to provide the desired results?
Manon Wiersema (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel (Begeleider)
The Evolution of Deterrence Strategy and Research
Lawrence Freedman
Deterrence à la Ruse
Dmitry Adamsky
Japanese Concepts of Deterrence
Nori Katagiri
Deterrence, Resilience, and the Shooting Down of Flight MH17
Cees van Doorn; Th.B.F.M. Brinkel
Cyber Deterrence
Stefan Soesanto; Max Smeets
New Technologies and Deterrence
Alex Wilner; Casey Babb