Policy briefing
Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); Kuindersma, Gerlof
Needs and wishes of alumni and employers
Anneke Wieman (Lid Lectoraat)
Sports in elementary school:
de Groot, Wouter (Sports Science); Moolenaar, Ben; Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science)
Wikiwijs: an unexpected journey and the lessons learned towards OER
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Karel Kreijns; Marjan Vermeulen
Internationalizing curricula
J.H.C. (Jos) Walenkamp (Lector); Joyce den Heijer (Lid Lectoraat); Anneke Schuurmans-Brouwer (Docent); Andreas Funk (Lid Lectoraat)
Goudzoekers, cowboys en vlottrekkers
Juliette Santegoeds (Lid Lectoraat)
Hybrid qualifications in the Netherlands: Vocational educational pathways into higher education as an obstacle course
Jeroen Onstenk (Lector)
In-depth assessment of the situation of the textile and clothing sector in the EU and prospects
Scheffer, M.R. (Michiel) (Lector)
The impact of organizational climate in schools on the transfer of post-initial master studies
Snoek, Marco; Boufoy-Bastick, Béatrice
Identifying sources of strength: resilience from the perspective of older people receiving long-term community care
Bienke M. Janssen (Docent); Tine Van Regenmortel (Lector); Tineke A. Abma