Modelling GHG emission, cost and benefit analysis within the dairy farming system
Anastasia, V. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
WP4 'Tailored Standard Operating Procedures'
Lokhorst, C. (Lector); Biewenga, G. (Lid Lectoraat)
Ervaringen met precisie bemesting op grasland
Lokhorst, C. (Lector); Oenema, J.
Invited review : Big Data in precision dairy farming
Lokhorst, C. (Lector); Mol, R.M. de; Kamphuis, C.
Protocollen juist nodig op eenmansbedrijven
Hogenkamp, W.
Cost-benefit analysis and GHG emission in dairy business models
Mudombi, B. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Inclusiveness and resilience competences for scaling up climate smart dairy farming
Aguda, F. (Student); Akkermans, L.M.E.
Zelflerende sensoren worden steeds slimmer
Zessen, T. van