Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
Teacher Feedback during Active Learning
Linda van den Bergh (Docent)
[Review of; Romanowski, M.H. (1997). Teachers’ lives and beliefs: influences that shape the U.S. history curriculum]
Schuurmans, Rob
Expertise development in the college classroom: new insights
M. Boekaerts; J.S. Rozendaal
Double knowledge creation: learning experiences from teachers doing their own practitioner research and experiences arising from the program for teacher practitioner research.
dr Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); dr.ir Quinta Kools (Lector)
Experienced teachers' informal learning from classroom teaching
Annemarieke Hoekstra; Douwe Beijaard (Lector); Mieke Brekelmans; Fred Korthagen
Competentiegerichtheid en scheikunde leren: over metacognitieve opvattingen, leerresultaten en leeractiviteiten
Dr. Rutger A.W. van de Sande (Lector)