Mental Health Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Role in Physical Screening and Lifestyle Coaching for Patients With a Severe Mental Illness
Nienke van der Voort; Nikki Klaessen; Irina Poslawsky; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Design of wind and solar energy supply, to match energy demand
S. (Sander) Mertens (Lector)
Stepping into the Void
Monica den Boer
Empire's violent end
T.W. Brocades Zaalberg; Bart Luttikhuis
Leading collaborative innovation in schools
Angela de Jong (Phd)
Concerns of Owner‐Occupants in Realising the Aims of Energy Transition
Mieke Oostra (Lector); Nelleke Nelis (Onderzoeker)
How will the story end: followers’ prospective scenarios of organizational change
Annemiek H.T. van der Schaft (Onderzoeker); Omar N. Solinger (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector); B.I.J.M van der Heijden (Onderzoeker)
Behind the ideal person mask: a narrative inquiry into Dutch young professionals’ image (re-)construction process in the work, private and online settings
Y. Bergs (Onderzoeker); P. Peters (Onderzoeker); X.D. Lub (Lector); R.J. Blomme (Onderzoeker)
Labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands and the role of social enterprises
Leendert de Bell (Lector); Linda Bakker (Onderzoeker)
Research contributions to adults learning mathematics in the field of numeracy in the last twenty years
Javier Diez-Palomar (Onderzoeker); Kees Hoogland (Lector)