A practical application of DC Droop Control with IoT capabilities
D.C. (Diëgo) Zuidervliet (Onderzoeker); P.J. (Peter) van Duijsen (Docent); Damiën Zuidervliet (Student); Holly Engelbrecht (Student); Christiaan Nagy (Student)
The incorporation of body composition assessments as part of routine clinical care in a tertiary hospital's dietetic department: a best practice implementation project
SA Wilkinson; CJD Jobber; F Nave; Barbara van der Meij
Self-management behaviour after a physiotherapist guided blended self-management intervention in patients with chronic low back pain: A qualitative study.
J.P.J. Achten; Suzan Mooren - van der Meer; M.F. Pisters; C. Veenhof; T. Koppenaal; C.J.J. Kloek
Dutch Small Business Index Year Report 2021: Repeated Lockdowns Deplete Firm and Private Financial Resources
Lex van Teeffelen (Lector); Ester Renssen
Self-management behaviour after a physiotherapist guided blended self-management intervention in patients with chronic low back pain: A qualitative study
Jesse Achten (Onderzoeker); Suzan Mooren-van der Meer (Onderzoeker); Martijn Pisters (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker)
People, Places, and Practices in the Arctic
Buijs, Cunera; van Dam, Kim; Laugrand, Frédéric
A Research Pathway Model for evaluating the implementation of practice-based research
Pol, Harald (Marketing En Ondernemen); van Beest, Wilke; van der Veen, Gerrita; Boon, Wouter; Andriessen, Daan; Moors, Ellen
Assessing Cranial Nerves in Physical Therapy Practice
Mourad, Firas; Lopez, Giovanni; Cataldi, Fabio; Maselli, Filippo; Pellicciari, Leonardo; Salomon, Mattia; Kranenburg, Hendrikus (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kerry, Roger; Taylor, Alan; Hutting, Nathan
Assessment of Agricultural Market Information access and utilization among Smallholder Citrus Farmers in Kumi District, Eastern Uganda
Okello, M. (Student); Maliotis, P.
Viberscrete's utilization report proposal
Miguel Rodriguez Rondon (Student); Giuliana Scuderi (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Docent)