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Exploring the role of blockchain technology in bike-sharing schemes
Junjie Zhao (Student); Dan Diodjescu
Een vacature revolutie in 8 stappen
Sophie Edixhoven (Student)
Strategic renovation in social housing
Bos, C.S.J. (Chris) van den (Student)
Expanding the new Ambon port
Jaimy ten Dam (Student)
Alien Species in the Arctic Ocean
L.J.J. Hahn (Student); B.J. Kater (Begeleider); P.N.C. Vader (Begeleider); Anne Oele (Begeleider)
Treating runoff in the construction and operational phases of a greenfield development using floating wetland treatment systems
Walker, Christopher; Lucke, Terry; Boogaard, Floris; Schwammberger, Peter
The accuracy of dependency analysis in static architecture compliance checking
Leo Pruijt (Lid Lectoraat); Christian Köppe; Jan Martijn van der Werf; Sjaak Brinkkemper
Alternative ventilation system for operating theaters: parameter study and full-scale assessment of the performance of a local ventilation system
J.G.H. Loogman; Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector); M.G.L.C. Loomans; I.M. de Visser
Development of a multiplex Q-PCR to detect Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain T22 in plant roots
Ivo Horn (Onderzoeker); Menno van Rijn (Onderzoeker); Tom J.J. Zwetsloot (Student); Said Basmagi (Student); Anita Dirks-Mulder (Onderzoeker); Willem van Leeuwen (Lector); Willem Ravensberg (Onderzoeker); Barbara Gravendeel (Lector)
Reinterpreting the Sino-Japanese Political Relations through History
Tim Wuisman (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)