Trends in missile interceptor guidance laws
A.F. Vermeulen; E.J. Trottemant
Developing a C4I architecture for the Netherlands armed forces
D.M. Ooms; T. J. Grant
Sensors, weapons, C4I and operations research
T.M. Hupkens; H. Monsuur
Analysing the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era : an assessment of the evolution of NATO since the 1990s and recommendations for the future
C.M. Nigten (Begeleider); Joyce van de Bildt (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)
Ad hoc networks of cooperative robots
R.R. Hordijk; T.M. Hupkens
Investing in defense: how much is enough?
T.H.W. ten Haaf; W. Beemsterboer
Chemical Weapons Convention : striving towards universality
L. Droesen (Begeleider); Asha De (Student)