Mapping for change
Joke Hermes (Lector)
Escaperoom in Energy education
Joost Jongen (Onderzoeker)
‘We can be a family again, but different than before’
Aletta Simons (Lid Lectoraat); Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Tine van Regenmortel
Combining Performance-Based and Self-Reported Measures of Executive Functions: Are Both Meaningful in Predicting Study Success in Higher Education Students?
Manuhuwa, (Diane) (Phd); Fleer, (Joke) (Professor); Snel - de Boer, (Mirjam) (Onderzoeker); Graaf, (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Sound attenuations of Helmholtz resonators for turbochargers applications
Mihail Markov (Student)
Place of Merging
Amir Shokouhi Heris (Student)
Evaluating Health Risks and Emissions from Ground Support Equipment at Schiphol Airport
Kaspers, Tijmen; Sunaryo, Erlangga; Wellens, Ann; Zuniga, Catya
Potential for collaboration of Verkehrswendestadt activists with Volkswagen Wolfsburg employees
Stöckl, H. (Student); Schoemaker, A.J.
Symposium Kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte: Delen van onderzoeksresultaten met community en werkveld
Mars, Saskia; Spekreijse, Michel; Mobach, Mark P.
Digital Leadership Competency to Enhance Digital Transformation
Guido Ongena (Associate Lector); Paul Morsch (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)